Kotara High School

'We Aim High'

Telephone02 4943 3044


Trial HSC COVID Advice

Three students sitting at a desk one with a microscope, one holding a rock over a bunsen burner aand the third student lookin on

Advice for students testing positive to COVID-19 and having to isolate within the exam period: 

You have just tested positive: 

 Step 1: Register with Service NSW 

Step 2: Inform the school ASAP that you have tested positive and the dates of your isolation period. 

Step 3: Keep a record of your Service NSW receipt of positive register or positive PCR confirmation, and dates of isolation. 

Step 4: Once you are able to return to school, please fill out appropriate illness/misadventure form, attach a copy of your positive register or positive PCR confirmation, and hand to the Deputy Principal on your first day back from isolation. You will need a separate illness/misadventure form for each exam you miss. Find form here

Some Considerations: 

  • If you still have symptoms or are too unwell to return after your isolation period, please obtain a Doctor’s Certificate confirming you are unfit to sit your Trial HSC Examination. 
  • If you have COVID-19/Influenza/RSV symptoms but returning a negative RAT, please obtain a Doctor’s Certificate confirming you are unfit to sit your Trial HSC Examination. 
  • Photographs of positive RATs will not be accepted, you will need an official Service NSW receipt, or positive PCR confirmation.